
The Rising Sun

teve Wiffen and Kevin Mackenzie are two mad speedway supportors, this is their story!

The challenges made over a few beers usually come to nothing. In this instance the “go on then do it” was actually followed up and completed. Two good friends visiting every Rising Sun pub in the country. This was no random pub crawl though. Along the way some interesting anecdotes regarding the pub itself (and some of the non Rising Sun drinking establishments visited), the local area and some of its characters were acquired. These have been supplemented with a few tales from the journey to, hopefully, provide both an entertaining and informative read.
There is no disputing that the escapade was tremendous fun. However, this book aims to relay a very serious message. “Our” Rising Sun is very important to us for many reasons and is the hub of our local community. Evidence of this was seen in so many other pubs of the same name that we visited. Irrespective of the name, many pubs are critical to the spirit of local people and serve all sorts of purposes for folks living in the vicinity. Whilst there are drinking places / bars all over the world the good old local pub is pretty unique to this nation. We should do our utmost to protect and strengthen these community assets. Many of them are also important in fund raising for local and national charities. Contributions were made to many of these as we travelled around and we also collected various donations for the marvellous St. Luke’s Hospice which our local supports. (Further contributions will be made from any sales of this book).


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